Back and Forth: The Collaborative Works of Dawn Clements and Marc Leuthold
YEAR: 2015
ARTISTS: Dawn Clements, Marc Leuthold
AUTHORS: Dan Mills, Dawn Clements, Marc Leuthold
EDITOR: Dan Mills
DESIGNER: Victoria Blaine Wallace
PUBLISHER: Bates College Museum of Art, Lewiston, Me
DETAILS: Softcover, 48 pages, and several foldouts, [7 x 11 in dimensions], [54 color images]
EXHIBITION: Back and Forth: The Collaborative Works of Dawn Clements and Marc Leuthold
DATES: January 16 – March 21, 2015
PRICE: $10
Catalogue of a multi-year collaborative project by two respected and internationally exhibited artists. Dawn Clements primarily makes drawings and works on paper and Marc Leuthold, who works primarily clay. In this body of 90+ works, Clements and Leuthold each created work in their respective studios, delivered it to each other’s studio, then interpreted each others’ work in their own media, and incorporated aspects of each other’s work into their own work. Sometimes, new works were created again and again, then sent back and forth several times, resulting in a fascinating visual narrative of discovery and process along the way. Curator’s statement, and writings by each artist based on interviews with the curator.