$ 5.00
Qty available: 11

YEAR:  2005

ARTISTS:  Robert Feintuch, Jessica Gandolf, Paul Heroux, Pamela Johnson, Penelope Jones, Elke Morris, Joseph Nicoletti, and Erica Rand with Elizabeth M. Stephens

AUTHORS:  Introduction by Mark Bessire Statements by the Artists: Robert Feintuch, Jessica Gandolf, Paul Heroux, Pamela Johnson, Penelope Jones, Elke Morris, Joseph Nicoletti, and Erica Rand

DESIGNER:  Supaflu Design

PUBLISHER:  Bates College Museum of Art Lewiston, ME

DETAILS:  Softcover, 40 pages, [11 ¼ x 7 ¼ in dimensions], [40 color images]

EXHIBITION:  Bates College Faculty Exhibit

DATES:  June 14 – September 25, 2005


Artists include Robert Feintuch, Jessica Gandolf, Paul Heroux, Pamela Johnson, Penelope Jones, Elke Morris, Joseph Nicoletti, and Erica Rand.  Most works reproduced as details or in installation photographs.  Includes artists’ statements and exhibition checklist

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